
My books, including translations:


French Revolutionary Lives, co-edited with Colin Jones, London, Palgrave-Macmillan, 2024.

Men on Horseback: The Power of Charisma in the Age of Revolution, New York, Farrar, Straus & Giroux, 2020.

French translation: Le culte des chefs: Charisme et pouvoir à l'âge des révolutions, trans. Pierre-Emmanuel Dauzat and Aude de Saint-Loup, Paris, Fayard, 2022.


Italian translation: Il culto dei capi: Carisma e potere nell’età delle rivoluzione, trans. Alessandra Manzi, Rome, Viella, 2023.

Rethinking the Age of Revolutions: France and the Birth of the Modern World, co-edited with Yair Mintzker, New York, Oxford University Press, 2018.

The West: A New History, co-authored with Anthony Grafton, New York, W.W. Norton, 2018.

Shadows of Revolution: Reflections on France, Past and Present, New York, Oxford University Press, 2016.

Napoleon: A Concise Biography, New York, Oxford University Press, 2015. Paperback published as Napoleon: A Very Short Introduction, Oxford University Press, 2018.

The First Total War: Napoleon's Europe and the Birth of Warfare As We Know It, Boston, Houghton & Mifflin, 2007 (British edition, London, Bloomsbury, 2007)

French translation: La première guerre totale: L'Europe de Napoléon et la naissance de la guerre moderne, trans. Christophe Jaquet, Seyssel, Champ Vallon, 2010.

Spanish translation: La primera guerra total: La Europa de Napoleón y el nacimiento de la guerra moderna, trans. Álvaro Santana Acuña, Madrid, Alianza, 2012.


Portuguese translation: Primeira guerra total: A Europa de Napoleão e o nascimento dos confrontos internacionais como os conhecemos, trans. Miguel Soares Palmeira, Rio de Janeiro, Record, 2012.

Turkish translation: Napoléon ve İlk Topyekûn Savaşın Hikayesi: Modern Savaş Sanatının Doğuşu, trans. Burak Yazıcı, Kitapyurdu (Istanbul), 2022.


The Cult of the Nation in France, Cambridge, Mass., Harvard University Press, 2001.


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Chinese translation: 发明民族主义(法国的民族崇拜1680-1800)(精)/新全球文明史译丛. Zhejiang University Press, 2022.

Lawyers and Citizens: The Making of a Political Elite in Old Regime France, New York, Oxford University Press, 1994.

La Recherche dix-huitièmiste: Raison universelle et culture nationale au siècle des Lumières, co-edited with Stéphane Pujol and Ludmila Pimenova, Paris and Geneva, Honoré Champion and Slatkine, 1999.


David A. Bell

Sidney and Ruth Lapidus

Professor in the Era of

North Atlantic Revolutions


Department of History


Princeton University



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Website updated May 2024